Why Does My Cat Follow Me Around

Cats follow their cat parents around as a sign of affection, attachment and to bond more deeply. It shows they are comfortable with you.


Cats often follow for attention and playtime from you. They want to interact and get your focus off of whatever else you are doing.


Around common mealtimes, cats may follow you closely while meowing persistently. They anticipate and expect the routine of being fed by you.


Cats feel safe and secure with their owners. Following you everywhere provides protection, security and keeps them out of spaces they feel are unsafe.


Cats are natural mimics. Following you closely and mirroring you is an instinctive way they learn about the world and satisfy their extreme curiosity.


Sometimes cats follow you clingily due to anxiety from changes, loneliness, new environments. Being near you is reassuring.


Pain, dementia and other health issues can cause clingy following behavior in elderly cats or cats with medical conditions. Regular checkups help.


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