Top 7 Ways to Know a Dog Is in Pain

Dogs in pain may become protective of their body. They might growl or snap when touched, indicating discomfort.


Look for changes in behavior. If your normally active dog becomes lethargic or irritable, it could signal underlying pain.

Altered Behavior

A decrease in appetite may indicate pain. Monitor your dog's eating habits and consult your vet if there's a significant change.

Reduced Appetite

Observe for limping or favoring one leg. Changes in gait can be a clear sign of pain, possibly caused by injuries or joint issues.


Whining, howling, or excessive vocalization can be an expression of pain. Pay attention to unusual sounds your dog makes.


Pain may cause dogs to withdraw. If your pup is avoiding social interaction or hiding, it might be an indication of distress.


Restlessness, pacing, or inability to find a comfortable position may suggest discomfort. Restlessness is often linked to pain or restlessness.


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