Top 7 Tips to Stop Puppy Biting

Puppies explore the world with their mouths. Biting, mouthing, and chewing are natural behaviors during teething, around 3-6 months old. 

Understanding the Bite

Provide a variety of safe and irresistible chew toys, like frozen Kongs filled with treats, knotted ropes, or rubbery teething rings. Replace worn-out toys to keep them engaged.

Teething Toys

When your pup nips, gently replace your hand with a chew toy and praise them for playing with it. This reinforces positive behavior and teaches them what's appropriate to chew.

Redirect & Reward

If your pup bites too hard, yelp loudly and immediately stop playing. Ignore them for 10-20 seconds, then offer a chew toy when they calm down.

Time-Outs for Tough Bites

Ensure your furry friend gets plenty of exercise daily through walks, playtime, and mental stimulation. This channels their energy and reduces boredom chewing.

Exercise for Happy Chompers

Be consistent with your training methods and everyone in the household should follow the same approach. Patience and positive reinforcement will help your pup learn gentle play habits.

Consistency is Key

With consistent training and patience, you'll see a decrease in biting and chewing as your puppy matures. Remember, teething is temporary, and soon you'll have a well-behaved pup. 

Sweet Relief Ahead

Top 7 Tips For Walking a Puppy for the First Time