Dogs, like humans, can suffer from insomnia. This condition may result from stress, discomfort, or disruptions in their routine.
Some dogs experience sleep apnea, marked by pauses in breathing during sleep. This can be linked to obesity or certain breeds with short noses.
Sleep Apnea
Restlessness during sleep, often seen as involuntary leg movements, can indicate Restless Leg Syndrome in dogs. This may affect their overall sleep quality.
Restless Leg Syndrome
Dogs can have nightmares, manifesting through whining or restless behavior. Traumatic experiences or anxiety may contribute to these unsettling dreams.
Excessive daytime sleepiness is known as hypersomnia. Medical conditions or medications can lead to increased sleep duration in dogs.
Disruptions to a dog's natural sleep-wake cycle can result in circadian rhythm disorders, affecting their overall sleep patterns.
Circadian Rhythm Disorders
Parasomnias in dogs include sleepwalking, night terrors, or other abnormal behaviors during sleep. These may indicate underlying health issues.