Top 7 Fact Of Berger Picard

Berger Picards needs at least an hour of daily exercise. Think of long walks, hikes, agility courses, or frisbee games to keep them physically and mentally stimulated. 

Exercise Must

Intelligence is a Berger Picard hallmark. They excel at learning new commands, love mental challenges, and enjoy puzzle toys and obedience training. 

Smart & Trainable

Berger Picards form deep bonds with their humans, making devoted and affectionate companions. They thrive on quality time and love to be by your side. 

Loyal Companions

Good news for busy pet parents: Berger Picards have low-maintenance coats. Occasional brushing and bathing are usually enough to keep them looking their best.

Easy Grooming

Early socialization is crucial for Berger Picards to grow into well-rounded pups. Expose them to various people, places, and experiences from a young age.

Early Socialization

Naturally protective, Berger Picards make excellent watchdogs. They're quick to alert their owners of any potential threats with a vigilant bark. 

Watchful Guardians

With their shaggy coats, expressive eyebrows, and soulful eyes, Berger Picards have a unique and charming appearance that sets them apart.

Distinctive Looks

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