Stuff a toy with treats so your dog associates it with a positive experience right away.
Make Toys Rewarding
Initiate tantalizing games of fetch, tug and chase yourself first with toys to showcase fun possibilities.
Play Engagingly
Talk excitedly about a toy, adding squeaks and movement to help pique your dog's curiosity during introductions.
Verbally Hype Toys
Generously reward any voluntary initial paw swats, nibbles or other toy touches to encourage further interaction.
Praise Engagement
Drop a tempting toy in front of your dog then crouch down, pat the ground and bark/talk animatingly to prompt play.
Provide Play Prompts
Don't make kids or adults an exciting target by playing keep-away with toys, which can encourage nipping.
Avoid Chase Games
Rotate a varied toy box periodically to combat habituation for sustained novelty and engagement.
Rotate Toys