Tips For Safely Integrating Dogs And Cats

Plan for proper introduction over days or weeks, not hastily forcing interactions. Rushing often backfires creating fear and dislike imprinting forever.  

Go Slow  

Establish separate, secured spaces allowing your current cat freedom to hide when needing breaks from the intimidating newcomer.  

Secure Zones

Rub towels on each pet then put in the other's zone daily so they grow accustomed and less reactive towards unfamiliar smells before meeting.

Scent Swap

Feed cats and dogs on opposite sides of a closed door so positive food associations counter-condition any tension from sensing an animal on the other side.  

Feed Nearby 

Always keep new dogs securely leashed, slowly introducing them to calmly sniff noses with resident cats under your close monitoring at first.  

Short Leashed

Heavily praise and reward any amicable interactions using treats and happy voices so they associate each other with good things.

Positive Reinforcement  

Ensure cats have safe vertical escape zones dogs can't access like cat trees, high ledges and shelving to retreat when overwhelmed.  

Cat Zones

7 Dog-Friendly Activities to Enjoy with Your Furry Friend