Sneaky Signs Of A Depressed Cat 

Significant changes in normalized behaviors like decreased playing, petting/lap time, roaming or hiding more often can indicate depression.

Behavior Differences

 Depressed cats tend to have increased or decreased food intake. Lack of interest in treats is also a major red flag.  

Appetite Changes

Cats feeling sad often begin to neglect grooming routines, resulting in matted, dull coats.  

Poor Grooming  

Being abnormally sleepy, inactive or generally seeming listless regularly shows inner turmoil. 

 Lower Activity  

More frequent meowing, howling or mournful vocalizations conveys emotional distress. 

Vocal Signs 

Repeatedly seeking attention or reassurance can indicate sadness rather than simple affection. 

 Seeking Comfort

If you spot multiple subtle signs lasting 2+ weeks, consult your vet to address root causes. 

When To Worry

7 Signs Your Dog Is Sad