Is Dog Health Insurance Worth the Cost

Insurance pays back vet bills minus deductible/co-pay amounts for covered conditions, tests and medications.

Reduces Out-of-Pocket

 Insurance helps defray expenses from surprise accidents, illnesses not budgeted for like cancer, broken bones and ingestions.

 Covers Unexpected Issues  

Pre-existing condition present before enrollment or in excluded breed list will not be covered if they flare up later.

Pre-Existing Conditions Rule 

 You pay your vet first then file claim with insurer to get treatment costs reimbursed per policy rules.

Reimbursement Model 

Get policies when puppies/kittens under 7 years old for lower rates before conditions develop. 

Enroll Pets Young & Healthy

Wellness plans and preventative care riders can help defray annual visit and vaccination costs too.

Yearly Vet Visits Add Up

Read fine print! Quotes, reimbursements, coverage varies greatly between insurers

Compare Several Companies  

Should You Spay or Neuter Your Dog