How To Identify Cat Health Issues Early

Notice changes in your cat's appetite, such as decreased interest in food. This may indicate dental disease, gastrointestinal issues, or other problems.


Monitor your cat's weight routinely and watch for loss which may be tied to hyperthyroidism, diabetes, intestinal parasites, cancer or other illness.


Personality changes like increased clinginess or aggression can signal disease or injury. Track patterns over time.


Excessive sleeping, lethargy or decreased interest in play can all be signs of sickness. Compare to normal activity levels.


Neglecting grooming habits points to health issues. Notice reduced self-cleaning and tangled, dirty fur.


Frequent vomiting indicates gastrointestinal upset or systemic issues. Collect samples to show the vet.


Increased frequency/volume of urination or struggling to urinate flags potential kidney disease or UTI.


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