Finding The Best Dog Sitter 

Solid experience with dog first aid, medical administration, training and walking eases worries about proper care.  


Ensuring trusted sitters have a genuine comfort, affection and respect for dog behavior prevents anxiety. 

Loves Dogs

Well-established sitters have ample happy customer references to convey dependability and trustworthiness.

Strong References

Multi-day stays need proper overnight accommodations some lack, so evaluate boarding spaces closely through site visits.  

Offer Overnights

Reputable insured/licensed sitters/boarders provide protection should any injuries or incidents occur under their watch.

Insured & Licensed  

Compare service rates in your area. Remember - prices reflect experience/amenities but avoid impossibly cheap options.   

Reasonable Rates

Meet with potential sitters first before committing so all personalities mesh well. 

Meet & Greet  

Training Your Dog to Guard