7 Signs Your Dog Is Sad

 Lack of interest in walks, toys or time with owners deviations from their normal happy selves can indicate sadness.

Behavior Differences   

When dogs experiences appetite and weight changes from lack of interest in beloved treats or meals, it may signal sadness.

Appetite Changes  

Moping around more, lower energy or playfulness levels and increased sleeping can all stem from sadness. 

Lower Activity  

 Dogs feeling sad, lonely or depressed often neglect grooming and hygiene routines. 

Poor Grooming

More frequent whining, sullen howling or other mournful vocalizations convey inner turmoil and grief.  

Vocal Signs

Repeatedly seeking attention, cuddling or reassurance can indicate emotional distress rather than simple affection. 

Seeking Comfort  

If your dog shows multiple subtle signs of sadness for over 2 weeks, consult your vet to discover and address the root causes.  

 Address It  

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