7 Best Puppy Crate Training 

Selecting the appropriate crate size is crucial. It should be spacious enough for comfort but not too large to avoid accidents. Ensure a cozy and safe environment.

Right Crate

Familiarize your puppy with the crate gradually. Place treats and toys inside to create a positive association.

Introduction to the Crate

Associate the crate with positive experiences during mealtime. Place your puppy's food bowl inside the crate, encouraging them to enter willingly.

Feeding Time in the Crate

Praise and reward your puppy when they enter the crate voluntarily. Use positive reinforcement to strengthen the connection between the crate and positive experiences.

Positive Reinforcement

Build up the time your puppy spends alone in the crate. Start with short intervals, gradually increasing. This helps them feel comfortable and secure when left alone.

Gradual Alone Time

Never use the crate as a form of punishment. Ensure it remains a positive and safe space for your puppy. This fosters a trusting and loving relationship.

Avoid Negative Associations

Establish a consistent bedtime routine. Use the crate for overnight stays, providing a sense of security. This helps prevent disruptive behavior during the night.

Nighttime Routine

Top 7 Puppy Sleeping Arrangements